
India Profile brings you the Chandigarh map that shows you the important tourist places in Chandigarh. Chandigarh, in North India is a Union Territory of India known for its well-planned layout, and architectural beauty. On the Chandigarh map you can see Sukhna Lake, the Nek Chand Rock Garden and the ordered structure of Chandigarh, which is also the capital of both Punjab and Haryana. To know more about Chandigarh India, just take a look at the Chandigarh map.

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For decades, Chandigarh, the capital of Punjab, was known as an affluent but quiet, laid back city ideal for retired people that had little to offer beyond its modern town people and its relaxed way of life. However, it is the first city to initiate the concept of town planning in India. Designed by Le Corbusier, Chandigarh is strategically segregated into 61 sectors. The pollution free air, the wide tree-lined boulevards and avenues, the cool ambiance of Sukhna Lake and the plush interiors belying the dull exteriors contribute in making Chandigarh a haven for fun-loving tourists.

The Rock Garden: An unpretentious entrance leads to a magnificent, almot surrealist arrangement of rock fossils, broken chinaware, discarded fluorescent tubes, broken and cast away glass bangles, building waste, coal and clay – all juxtaposed to create a dream folk world of palaces, soldiers, monkeys, village life, women and temples.

'One of the interesting points to call attention to is the adoption of a circular form for the hall which seems contrary to the development of good acoustics. The Assembly Hall is made in a hyperbolic shell with an average thickness of 15 cm, constant throughout its surface, resulting in a very low cost and a minimum of weight (here the principle of industrial cooling towers has been applied to the architectural intentions). This shell does not terminate in a horizontal but in an oblique section which shall receive a metallic framework (aluminum). This framework will become a veritable physical laboratory destined to ensure the interplay of natural lighting, artificial lighting, ventilation and acoustic-electronic mechanisms.

India is a land of beauty and curious things scattered all over the picturesque canvas of its states. But nowhere would you find such amazing things negotiated in a perfect way save Chandigarh. Mother nature, with her adorable hands has decked the endeavour of humans, and today we applaud the first planned city of India in a bracket called Chandigarh, the congruous capital of Punjab and Haryana. Nestling in the northern part of the country, 238 km from the national capital at Delhi, Chandigarh is a serene place that calls for a holiday round the year. The city got its name from Chandi, the goddess of power, the main deity of Shri Chandika Temple on Chandigarh-Kalka Road.